Jen was poking around in the back of my wardrobe this morning it seems. Looks like I've lost my old hockey jersey and she gained a new night shirt. She's lucky it looks better on her than it does on me or I'd probably be a little upset :p
Things have changed.
Jen was poking around in the back of my wardrobe this morning it seems. Looks like I've lost my old hockey jersey and she gained a new night shirt. She's lucky it looks better on her than it does on me or I'd probably be a little upset :p
Shopping is done and man was it awsome. I now have a midnight black SUV and will be driving it around for the next week or so until my other purchase (A lovely looking Mecedes-MacLaren SLR) arrives. Once all the important stuff was done, I took Jen to buy a new dress. We had already bought a stack of new clothes, but I wanted to get her something really fancy. There's a conference coming up soon in Boston that I want to go to and even though I think Jen would outshine anyone else there even if she was dressed in nothing more than an old potato sack, I figure that since we have the means to do better, it wouldn't be right not too. All I can say about the dress she picked is wow... just, wow.
As great as last night was, I woke up feeling a little apprehensive about today. There were two reasons for this. One was quickly laid to rest when I spoke to Jen about it. I couldn't help but wonder if she only agreed to start dating me because of our unique situation. In a way it's almost like being stranded on an island and dating the person you're stranded with because what other options do you have? As I said though, Jen laid that to rest very quickly. She let me read a few entries from her diary from before things changed and it turned out that like me, she was interested but hadn't quite gotten srount to doing anything about it yet. Even more than knowing she was thinking about it herself though, that she let me read the entries in her diary showed me that she trusted me. That means a lot at this point. Anyhow, the other reason I was nervous was a little more sinster. It struck me that my accountant may be one of them. That would make the meeting uncomfortable at best. I was pleased to find that it wasn't the case though when I turned up. Sam is just a regular guy and I have to admit to being a little jellous of that. Either way, he'd prepared a full account of my assets as I'd requested.
I have to admit that I always knew that mom and dad were wealthy. I'd have to have been in a coma to not realise that. We had a big house in a wealthy neighbourhood and all that, so not realising it wasn't really an option. Still, we didn't get a new car every year (although the ones dad had were exceptional), we didn't fly round the world at the drop of a hat, in short, my parents were responsible with what they had. Now, when dad passed away back in 2000, I was more than just a little rattled. We lost mom the year before and so I still hadn't quite adjusted to that yet, let alone being prepared for dad's death. I paid virtually no attention at the reading of his will and just blindly signed the papers Sam told me to when the time came. Sam has been the family accountant since before I was born and more than just being our accountant, he was a family friend. Sam was one of the other pole-bearers at dad's funeral. I trusted him enough to look out for me then and I still do. When he started running me through the list of assets though, I was thunderstruck. Mom and dad weren't just wealthy, they were multi-millionairs. When he saw the look on my face, he explained that for the last 4 years, he has been managing my finances and related affairs full time! I nearly fell out of my chair. Jen just shook her head and said "See, I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was about you that I liked so much, but this can fill in for it until I do!". My own laughter snapped me out of it. I figured that at best, I'd have enough to manage an income close to what I have now, but Sam assures me that now I'm ready to start working with him a little more, we can start taking a few more risks and the earnings could go through the roof. Hell, even if we leave it as it is I can pull in 10 times what I do now as a surgeon. Looks like I'm about to have a lot more freedom than I thought. I feel like I've just won the lottery!
For now, I've got Sam sorting out an account that I can access as a sort of slush fund. I've asked him to make sure that both Jen and I have access to it so that should hold us until we know what we're doing. I'll call the base and let them know this afternoon.
We just got back in and Jen is getting changed so I only have a few seconds, but she said yes! Could today have been any better? I seriously doubt it!
After our shopping trip last week, we decided to take Friday off as well. Most of the day was pretty quiet. Jen made a few calls to her family to let them know where to reach her now. Took her about 2 hours to get them off the phone. She tells me they asked a lot of questions about me but other than that, not much happened. The weekend was a different story. We packed up a picnic lunch and went out to the lake. The call to her parents made Jen realise that we really don't know each other all that well outside of work so we spent most of Saturday just getting to know each other properly. Two really good things came out of that. The first was that now we sound like we really have been together for a while and the other is that by the end of the day we realised we'd become quite good firends. We stayed home again on Sunday and I was kinda supprised when Jen was quite happy to spend the morning watching cartoons with me. It's one of those things I never grew out of loving to do. I was starting to worry that sooner or later I was going to wake up and find that I've been in a coma since last Wednesday, dreaming away. Monday was an interesting day. First day back since the attack. We drove in together and on the way through the doors, we caught a lot of people trying to hide smiles. Susan must have been working that rumor mill in overdrive. Still, through the day, I caught myself enjoying that cover story a little more than I would usually like to admit. The most amazing thing was walking into the break room and catching Jen in the middle of telling a slightly embelished story of our day at the lake to one of the other nurses. Turns out I'm a lot more romantic than I thought since there was something about a trail of roses leading to the tree we had lunch under. When she realised I was right behind her, Jen went about as red as a rose herself.
Tuesday wasn't as good. Susan wasn't rostered on for Monday, so we hadn't seen her yet. Kinda like the offices down town (Jen is still trying to find out who runs that by the way), it was for the best that we saw Susan when we did but at the same time, I wish we hadn't. She's one of them. Again, she's not wrong in quite the same way as the one that attacked us or the ones we saw down town, but she's still wrong. We saw her before we got to the doors and just kinda slowed from a walk to a complete stop. We stood there for a while trying to decide if we should just leave when she saw us and rather than raise any suspicion, Jen dragged me inside. The look I had on my face must have been pretty bad because the first thing out of Susan's mouth was "Trouble in paradise?". Between that monster asking me that and the condesending smile on her face, it was all I could do not to punch her through the wall. Jen was a lot calmer than me and told her I was just upset because she wouldn't let me take her out to the lake again this weekend as she wanted me to meet her sister instead. Hearing her force a giggle at the end of all that reminded me that she was probably a lot more nervous about Susan than me. I pitched in and said that her sister could come see us out there on the Saturday just as easily and we started walking off, still having our fake arguement and with Susan just shaking her head a little as we left. Since things have changed, I know that I have powers that I can use to fight these things. I don't know how I know or where they came from, but they're there and they're real. Jen on the other hand doesn't seem to have any though. She can still see them, but that's about it. I'll have to watch her closely now that we know about Susan. Until I can prove otherwise, I'm going to work on the idea that if we can sense them, they can sense us. I've already started to try figure out what to do about Susan. If only I could be sure that she'll turn to dust like the last one.